Lauren Conrad inspires your workspace



Motivate Yourself To Work

Lauren Conrad today came up with 5 ways you can make the space at your work more pleasurable, making you more productive.

First, avoid a regular desk seat for a chic upholstered dining chair, and ditch bulky desk for storage console or credenza to store papers and folders.

When getting organized, take design into consideration because you’ll need to choose beautifully designed office items like tape dispensers, pencil cups, and file folders.

Finally, there’s nothing better about having a chic work space than filling it up with inspired artwork and decor, you can even create a gallery wall to keep your eyes moving.

Flowers For Fall Brides

Lauren Conrad’s people today have a do-it-yourself about fall bridal bouquets as getting married in fall or winter have a darker mood than spring or summer.

In totality, pick flowers and herbs that you know you will find during fall and winter, go with much brighter and darker colors, and heavier flowers like roses win every time.

Daniel Quintanilla




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