Courtesy: LaurenConrad Instagram

How You Can Help

Lauren Conrad, and her LaurenConradCo team are working hard to provide you with all the resources you need to donate to organizations, people to follow, petitions to sign, and additional educational resources that you can lend your support for #blackouttuesday, peacefully dealing with the outrage of the murder of George Floyd.

Do not just hashtag Black Lives Matter because it blocks out your message which is not fruitful at that point, Lauren provides resources from places like the ACLU, and the Black Lives Matter official website with their official Twitter handle.

Lauren also recommends that if you have additional resources that you want to pass along, all you have to do is just leave them in the comments section of Lauren Conrad’s Instagram post.

Daniel Quintanilla


After spending 7 years writing for specializing in Lauren Conrad, "The Hills", and fashion, Daniel continues that same method exploring a lot more with "Daniel plus Lauren".

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