New York Comforts

As we begin to wind down July 2023, the push for Spring and Summer 2024 fashion has finally begun, it’s present today here in New York City at with PROJECT New York men’s trade show as we see Gen Z come into the role of being the new buying power behind fashion, welcoming in their aesthetics of fun and serious fashion to fit into their lives, comforts still play a major role even after the COVID-19 pandemic, but comforts are now extremely stylish and high-end, enter Undergold, who’s SS2024 is all about elevating your at home style to wear outside your home.

Undergold is through and through a comfort brand, serving up the demands that Gen Z and its gender-neutral fashion aesthetic are looking for, all of its t-shirts, sweats, shorts, and button-down tops are uni-glo, pieces of clothing that both man and woman can wear, respecting the mocktails, the alcohol-free life, body inclusive, and oversized style this new fashion class is in search of.


With all the record-breaking humanity we’ve encountered here in New York City for almost a month now, and after we had the slowest start to summer in recent memory, Undergold is weather-responsive by offering linen button-down shirts and shorts, providing much-needed comfort and coolness to extremely humid days like today, linens come in both black and white, leaving you only to decide which color mood you’re in today.


For when cooler days come again, Undergold has you covered both 3 ways, one is with their black, white, and lavender t-shirts consisting of prints that stand out from down the block and perfect for a low-humid 70 degree day, the 60’s are in style again, but only in terms of Fahrenheit with Undergold cargo pants that fit for that Fall day that even could come in the middle of August out of nowhere, and get ready for the Summer-Fall or Winter-Spring transition with the Undergold breakaway jacket, all providing extreme high-quality comfort with the style the uni-glo are out looking for.


Undergold’s t-shirts especially stand out, not only for the weather-friendly transitional climate material, but for its prints, you can spot a gem, a champion, or an UNDERGOLD name right away from an distance, it’s non-stop in lavender, black, and white; also spot Undergold next Spring and Summer for its earth tone blue and orange tiger sweets, giving you the option of a traditional sweatshirt, button-down like top, hoodie, and sweatpants with the unisex option of bell-bottom flare feature that’s now the leading purchase with leggings.

Undergold has big plans for 2024, this Columbian-brand based here in America, highly affordable, and a high quality brand available in stores across the country, Undergold has a 30,000 square feet store space in Puerto Rico, comparable to any Apple Store, and hopes to have an exact store here in New York City sooner than hoped, Undergold is a gender-neutral, Gen Z forward line that will continue the comforts trend a year from now.

Daniel Quintanilla


After spending 7 years writing for Examiner.com specializing in Lauren Conrad, "The Hills", and fashion, Daniel continues that same method exploring a lot more with "Daniel plus Lauren".

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